Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My heart is full this morning. 

My Facebook feed included a picture of tulips. Soul food, yes. 
And I read this verse this morning: 

"For freedom Christ has set us free: stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1 (ESV)

That is soul food waaaay more than tulips. 

Christ has set us free. Why? For freedom. 

This is freedom from the overwhelming pressure and burden to keep the law, to be enough, yet never succeeding. I feel the weight rising off my chest. I can breathe again. 

This is freedom to acknowledge that I'm not enough; oh, but Jesus is more than enough. I don't have to be everything, HE IS. When He is the foundation of my life, there is peace. I can be secure in WHO HE IS, not uneasily waiting for my less than perfect identity to crumble.

This is freedom to relinquish my accomplishments, status, the prizes that I cling to so desperately. I (we) carefully construct identities to portray all the best; to protect and hide the inner ugly. Will I even admit the ugly? In Christ, I can rest in his accomplishment, his status. I live faithfully where God has placed me, but know that ultimately who I am is not about me. That is very good news. 

This is freedom to love freely, serve without recognition, sacrifice willingly, suffer without fear. I am guilty of loving only for something in return; of serving only when I will be noticed (or serving with a grumpy heart when no one notices); "sacrificing" grudgingly; suffering with the fear that somehow I messed up, I didn't do (whatever) good enough and this is punishment. When who I am is found in Christ, life changes. It's not about me. 

This is freedom to rest knowing that as I focus on Jesus, He will guide me. He will correct me. Is correction fun? No. But how good of God to convict me, to call me to repentance, to turn me around! Will I rest in God's love for me, his acceptance of me because of Jesus, his desire for me to walk in obedience? When I can rest in that knowledge, there is great peace and great desire to hear, follow, obey. 

Yes, soul food. 
So, what are you doing today? 
Zane and I are hanging out in our pjs and contemplating washing the dishes and trying to decide what we should make for supper. 
I hope you are blessed, encouraged, and at rest in Christ today. 

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