Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow and Miscellaneous Musings

I am thoroughly enjoying the snow.  I woke up and saw the big fluffy delicate things falling down and rejoiced in my heart.  

"...though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.." (Isaiah 1:18)

It's so beautiful. It's like redemption falling from the sky. Go run around in it; make a snow angel; throw it at someone else; tromp through it and delight in it. 

And at the same time, thank God that it isn't always winter. Spring is coming and I am already eagerly anticipating tulips and green leaves and green grass and robins and daffodils and that wonderful smell of Spring. (it has its very own smell, you know. and there is nothing like it!)  

I'm going to have craft day today. If you want to come join me, feel free. In between loads of laundry, I'm going to create something. I don't know what, just something. But seriously, do stop in. I'd love it. 

And one last random fact or suggestion for today: Listen to MercyMe's song All of Creation. It will do your heart good. Makes me dance every time. 

The dryer is buzzing.
Love to all. 


  1. Oh,Craftiness! This is why I get bummed about working. GRRR! Oh well! I am going to shop for a few supplies after work today...just in case we get "snowed in". Then I will craft away!

  2. hey i've been meaning to comment on your blog and tell you thanks for starting one. I love reading blogs!!:)
