Thursday, April 5, 2012

Update: Numero Uno

My excuses sound good in my brain, but that's just what they are....excuses.

It's been too long. I'm sorry for not updating sooner.
I'll do a few shorter updates instead of one looooong rambling one.
Here goes.

The biggest change since the last post is that Josh and I have moved out of the orphanage house where Dave and Deborah and all the kids live and into the house across the lane. The house we're living in now, which is called the "other house", was actually built for Deborah's parents, but it has been empty (except for teams) since they moved back to the States.
We have lots of space for just the two of us. Feel free to come visit.

School is also in session and this is now my main responsibility. I only cook one day a week now and the rest of my time is spent teaching, directing, correcting, preparing for tests, giving tests, and finishing report cards to be submitted to the school. It's pretty stretching. Especially teaching Spanish grammar. But it definitely has happy moments. The kids have reached the 50 mark for good grades; 50 test scores above an 80%; it's a big achievement. This coming Tuesday we're gonna have a par-tay to celebrate. I really want to stalk Pinterest for party ideas, but the Internet is too low. That's probably a good thing though. And that's kinda off subject, too.

Jeamy (6th grade)

 Angelito (2nd grade)

Saul and Angel (5th grade)

Lucia, Vidalia, Maria, and Jhostin (4th grade)

My brain is tuckered out. Enjoy the pixerrrs.
Please keep us in your prayers.
It hasn't been easy lately; alot of days we just want to pack up and go home.
Pray that as we rest in the peace and quiet of this house that we would be filled, overflowing with Jesus, so that we can pour more love, more Jesus into these children.
Pray that we would let Jesus press us, break us, mold us, refine us into what He wants us to be.
Pray for humility to be servants, from the heart.

And as always, pray for these precious children.
That their hearts would be soft and open to Jesus.
That they could begin to find healing for their pain.
That the laws of Guatemala would change.
That each one could have his very own family.

One more thing:
Adoption. Just think about it.
There are way too many abandoned and orphaned kids in this world.
God might ask you to be the answer to one (or two or three or more) child's dream; to be a physical example of His adopting us into his family, of belonging.
He might ask you to be the support team for families who adopt.
Let's be willing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post..adoption...hope we can do heart breaks for kiddos without mommys n daddys!!!
