Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hello once again from Santiago Atitlan! 
Time is flying. Do I say that every time I post? Ha. Its been a busy and stressful and fun month! 
We celebrated lots of birthdays since the last time I posted--Dave, Rosa, Maria, Jacob, and today-our volunteer Jen from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We love birthdays and the yummy cakes that come along with birthday parties! 

The first day of August, Dave and Deborah's expected baby arrived! Felicity Grace was born here in the local hospital without any complications. She is doing well and growing and Deborah is feeling good also. She's quite tiny after hauling around the bigger baby boys. 

The middle of August we flew to a hospital in the city with Jacob, who was diagnosed with RSV and interstitial pneumonia and whole milk allergies. Thank you for your prayers; we know that God touched Jacob then and healed him and we continue to pray that he will be healed completely. We spent two days in a hospital room trying to keep a very active one year old from ripping out his IV site and falling out of bed, etc. I never imagined I would sleep on a hospital floor or let a small child play on the floor but sometimes..... We just prayed "Lord, kill them all (the germs, that is)." :) 

And as you can see, Jacob is now back to his happy self.

The rest of the babies are surviving and thriving. They are patiently waiting for baths here. I think babies in diapers are the cutest thing. :) 

Davey got into my pudding the other day. If you come visit us, remember to never let anything sitting out. Someone or something will be sure to find it. :) 

We were so blessed to have Josh's parents and brother come to visit us for ten days from August 25-September 4. It was absolutely fabulous to have family here and to reconnect with them and show them our world. 

We had a new boy brought to the home this month. Apparently, he ran away from a neighboring town. The story isn't totally clear so he is staying with us temporarily until a court hearing later this month. We expect he will go back to his family and suspect the whole situation was an argument that turned sour. Pray that while he is here the love of Jesus will be poured out through us to him.

I do have several prayer requests to mention also: 
1) Elections for Guatemala's new president will be this coming Sunday. Please pray that God's will for the children of Guatemala will be accomplished through the new leader. We desire that adoptions will open again, but pray most of all that God will be known in this country. 

2) Please pray that Josh and I will be filled with passion and love for God's work here in Santiago Atitlan. Moving here didn't give us some magical Kingdom mindset; in fact, its highlighted our selfishness (mine at least). We do have responsibilities and duties here, but we want to move beyond duty to desire to pour Jesus into the hearts of these children whether it means washing mounds of dishes or cleaning up yet another mess or teaching multiplication tables or correcting school again and again or giving instructions again and again. Its so easy to get frustrated and annoyed; I won't pretend to be perfect and say I never get upset. We want these kids to know that we will always love them regardless of their failures; that they are always safe with us; that we will hear their hearts. We want to be images of Jesus that send them to their Heavenly Father--the One who will never leave his children. Pray that our hearts will be filled with Jesus. 

Thank God with us for: 
1) Jacob's healing and quick recovery! 
2) The safe arrival of Felicity Grace! 
3) His continued provision even when expenses go up (hospital bills, drunk man throwing rock at windshield, van not working, etc)! 

Thank you once again for your prayers and support on our behalf! Thank you for your cards and emails and Facebook messages and Skype calls and gifts sent with Josh's family! Many blessings to you all. 
Josh & Donna

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